“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” – Steve Jobs

The AIS (Advanced Infrastructure System) is a proven, dependable, and successful next generation Energy and Communications Management Ecosystem. The AIS is a game changer that solves or vastly mitigates many issues of utilities, consumers, telecoms, builders, governments, and more.

The AIS system offers:

  • Significantly lower costs than anything on the market
  • New Revenue options
  • Black start options
  • Soft shutdown options
  • Near real time demand-response options
  • Circuit level submetering, control, and load shedding
  • Programmable circuit level automation
  • Energy Theft prevention
  • Smartphone/PC/User interface
  • Upgradeable to latest technologies
  • Alexa, Google, other compatibility
  • Easy installation and setup in new or retrofit applications
  • High speed mesh network when needed
  • Diagnostics of data from breakers
  • Customer branding available
  • User can install options or replace modules if ever needed
  • Add-on options/apps
  • Reliable and easy to use

The AIS mitigates forced blackouts through prioritized circuit level load shedding keeping customers safe with the ability for soft startups.

The AIS revolutionizes how utilities operate with more opportunities to grow their business

Opportunity and Need – Trillions of dollars of infrastructure is failing today as shown by increased blackouts and grid failures while rates are going up and government groups in the US and abroad continue to warn of more to come. CoolWaters is the only company today that can solve many of these issues and more by creating the opportunity for thousands of billion-dollar sales opportunities with continuing global revenue from royalties.

Revolutionary Power Utility Model – The AIS transforms power utilities and technology business strategies by solving problems and increasing revenue with sales and residuals.

Benefits – The AIS generates new and greater revenue, superior operational controls, efficiencies, decreased operating costs, energy theft capture, provides utility broadband and customers broadband, smart home, and better load management, all while improving services and customer satisfaction, safely and efficiently. The AIS will mitigate blackouts caused by load shedding and minimize impact to equipment during black starts.

A New Business Model

  • The AIS Is an infrastructure technology system.
  • To achieve the full impact, national/local partnerships will be established to reach new markets, create revenue, grow business units, while producing greater investment value.
  • Utilities, telecoms, and technology companies achieve greater efficiencies with the AIS as a gateway to deliver services to customers without the high costs associated with market expansion.


  • CoolWaters works with partners to deploy the AIS in the US and abroad
  • CoolWaters work with utilities, technology companies, telecoms, and others to secure sales and then roll the AIS out in stages for utilities and government
  • The AIS is designed for easy deployment and our large manufacturer (s) like Flex meet production scale requirements


  • Marketing the AIS is the culmination of partnerships between: investors; governments; utilities, manufacturers, communications infrastructure companies, and data server and software companies.
  • Where and when possible, partners and supply chains will be local to the countries and regions where the AIS is deployed. This promotes development and growth which opens the door for new business and investment opportunities where the AIS is in operation.


  • The products that appear to compete with the AIS system are not in the same league technically, they are more expensive, and cannot solve the problems utilities have in comparison to the AIS.
  • Competitors offer bits and pieces trying to keep their costs as low as possible, prioritizing price over features.

Intellectual Property

The CoolWaters Team has developed patents and trade secrets on the design and continues to advance the technology of the product as it is adapted to the domestic and global markets

What is the AIS? What does it do?

The AIS (Advanced Infrastructure System) is a proven, dependable, and successful Next Generation Energy and Communications Management System, a game changer for increased profitability that solves or vastly mitigates many issues like blackouts, black starts, and brings broadband/ internet to everyone. Most current systems are inadequate and cost too much to operate and maintain. The AIS makes money while making the utilities’ operations easier and more profitable. The AIS increases revenue and reduces costs while driving improved service quality to consumers.

The AIS to be an integrated system. The AIS is designed to install in the home behind the electric meter in the electric panel to provide the next level of energy management and broadband replacing the breaker panel internals (upgrades) or the complete panel (new installs). At some point, the AIS can replace the legacy smart meter, while integrating both the meter function and the panel functions into a fully programmable, scalable, and future proof system. This gives consumers a more reliable, efficient and safer means to power homes, appliances and new technology such as electric Vehicle (EV) charging systems and alternate energy sources (DER).

While software can achieve a great many things, it is limited with existing physical infrastructure and in context, is reliant on the antiquated and limited functionality of legacy smart meters. Our AIS corrects and re-solves these limitations, provides near real-time data, and makes for a more reliable and safer grid. In addition, because of the communication functionality, the AIS more efficiently resolves broadband demand in areas where delivery broadband is costly or does not allow for an easy laying of cable or fiber.

Download the AIS Flyer here.

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